Student Courses
Our student courses on the university's Moodle-Server:
- Practical course of Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (part 1 - lecture and practical course) - MED2-1006BCh1 - WS
- Practical course of Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (part 2 - lecture and practical course) - MED2-1006BCh2 - SS
- Seminar Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (part 1) - MED2-1007BCh1 - WS
- Seminar Biochemistry/Molecular Biology (part 2) - MED2-1007BCh2 - SS
- Seminar Clinical Aspects of Biochemistry - MED2 - SS
- Small Repetitorium Biochemistry in 3 Days - MED2-1007 - SS
- Practical course of Biochemistry MLS / MEW (part 1 - lecture and practical course) - LS2000 / LS2510 - WS
- Practical course of Biochemistry MLS / MEW (part 2 - lecture and practical course) - LS2000 / LS2510 - SS
- Lecture Biochemistry for Biophysics - LS 2000-KP06 - WS
- Lecture Biophysics of Ionizing Radiation and Radiation Protection - ME5050-V - WS + SS
- Practical Course Biophysics of Ionizing Radiation and Radiation Protection - ME5050-P - WS + SS
- Lecture Anti-Microbial Therapy and Prophylaxis - LS4155-A - SS
- Lecture Rational Drug Design - LS4111 / LS4185
- Lecture Introduction to Structural Analysis - LS3500-V - SS
- Seminar and Exercises Introduction to Structural Analysis - LS3500-S - SS
- Lecture Crystallography - LS4020 / LS4021 - WS
- Lecture Cell- and Molecularbiological Basics of Virology - LS4040 - WS
- Block-Practical Course MLS / IB - LS5111 / LS4115
- Consolidation MLS / IB - LS5200 / LS5205
- Bachelor and Master Theses - LS3990 / LS5990 / LS5995 / BP3990
An overview of these courses can also be found on this Moodle-Page and the UnivIS.